Monday, March 15, 2010

Window on the world

As someone who crashed out her first press release on one of Lord Sugar's finest green screen word processors and then carefully distributed it to the media via that quaint old thing called the post, I find the whole digital revolution remarkable. And as someone who has gone freelance and based herself out in the sticks, I am also hugely grateful for it as it means that so much of what I need to do my job is accessible via my laptop. Not everything, I grant you, but lots - and certainly enough to ensure that most of my working day is productive rather than wasted in cars or on trains.

Amongst my clients, InTechnology are probably the most progressive and productive when it comes to exploiting the digital revolution for marcomms and promotional purposes. They've knocked out podcasts and videos and on Wednesday 17th at 9.45 they'll be doing another in their live webinar series, this one around the business case for cloud-based communications. [More details here -]. So whereas in the old days I'd have had to make plans to tootle off to a seminar venue and probably strike out most of my day, now I can just open up my browser and tune in for an hour from the comfort of my sofa. And no-one will mind me sitting there drinking coffee in my jim-jams while I do it...