Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The White stuff

I had a bit of a shock this morning. I fired off an email to Rupert White at the Gazette about a forthcoming supplement and got a rather stark automated reply that said effectively that Rupert had left the building. He'd not mentioned anything so I was just about to send out the search parties when those good folks at the Legal Support Network announced the transfer of the season - Mr White was joining them shortly as their new Head of Content and Community. Well, I don't think Fergie could have done better - Rupert's a very nice guy and talented and knowledgeable with it, successfully pulling the Gazette out of the digital dark ages into the bright shiny lights of the 21st social media century. In David and Sarah & co, he's got colleagues who prove that good guys can win, and I'm sure he'll bring his own inimitable Rupert style to proceedings. And more than anything, I think it shows just how far LSN has come and how far it intends to go - a white good move in my book.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Actions speak louder

Actions do indeed speak louder than words which is why I'm going to keep my accompanying spiel to a minimum. I've just finished a case study for lit support and edisclosure specialist Legal Inc and in an industry that seems to be perpetually inundated with swathes and swathes of new application, gizmo and vendor PR we thought we'd ring the changes and report on some real-life coalface achievement.

Demonstrating the technology works is one thing but equally important is the role of process and people and understanding how the three have to be adroitly brought together in order to meet tough processing and review challenges. You can read how Legal Inc did it in 'Legal Inc and Clearwell: Cutting complex projects down to size'.